
Posts Tagged ‘santa monica college’

web design III: the final frontier

In Uncategorized on March 3, 2010 at 5:22 pm

Hello All!

I just wanted to give a quick run down of what we’re up to here on this blog–and yes, when I say “we” I am referring to myself and the rest of the kingdom…? Anyway, this is my process blog for a Web Design course at Santa Monica College. I’m not exactly sure how exciting this one will be, but there will be challenges, mistakes, and frustration–all the makings of reality TV or a blog about learning to design for the web.

So in short, I will do my best to explain what I’m working on and how I’m doing it–I’m sure with particular focus on the parts that are challenging because that’s how I learn. Hopefully, you’ll learn something too or maybe just take some solace in the collective frustrations of embarking on a new path.